I really needed to read this today, thank you.

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I'm so glad to hear it, Julie - take care of yourself, and thanks for leaving a note. —LM

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Still really bummed I missed Mosab.

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I just finished writing towards your Truth and Dare. Sent you a postcard and one to Aly :) I am writing today from a tiny village library in upstate NY. In its earlier life, it was All Saints Chapel, built in 1875. In that time there were over a dozen cement plants in the town, employing over 5000 workers. To quote the historical information, it was a "rough and rowdy place." To inspire workers to do something more wholesome on Sundays than frequent taverns, local cement companies promoted the building of churches in town. You gotta love libraries!

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Thank you for this note, Katie! So cool to imagine you in that tiny village library - and thanks for the postcard that will come my way. Long live libraries, for sure!

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