Last night we took a drive during the golden hour. Though the roads we traveled were absolutely straight, we drove over rolling hills and crossed winding creeks. The bare trees and corn stubble from the fallow fields caught the golden light, making what at noontime could look bleak and barren, like coming upon the Emerald City, though in this case it sparkled topaz. Because of the hills and gullies, the creeks have been allowed to travel their natural winding way. Ash, oak, walnut and poplar trees have been left alone in the gullies and along the creeks’ paths to grow tall and wide. Leafless branches stretching up and out, creating small forests of golden filigree against the deepening blue horizon.
A Drive through Central Iowa
Last night we took a drive during the golden hour. Though the roads we traveled were absolutely straight, we drove over rolling hills and crossed winding creeks. The bare trees and corn stubble from the fallow fields caught the golden light, making what at noontime could look bleak and barren, like coming upon the Emerald City, though in this case it sparkled topaz. Because of the hills and gullies, the creeks have been allowed to travel their natural winding way. Ash, oak, walnut and poplar trees have been left alone in the gullies and along the creeks’ paths to grow tall and wide. Leafless branches stretching up and out, creating small forests of golden filigree against the deepening blue horizon.